In this eBook 'How to Fast Track Your Success', Camilita’s shares her 12 Step Formula on how you too can Fast Track Your Success.
Camilita gives you 10 years of principles she has learned from being an Award Winning Top European Sales Trainer/Recruiter, Global Business Leader, Business Strategist, Property Investor, and Coach.
Camilita has learned that if you REALLY want to be successful, one of the most important things to do is to find someone who has already succeeded on a massive scale, model what they have done and avoid what they tell you to avoid. Do you agree?
In this eBook, you will learn that it's all about choices, choices, choices. What are you willing to give up, wait for, be more disciplined with, take risks on or create? Who are you willing to collaborate and partner with, are you ready to just go for it, what's the tenacity it takes to find it, ask for it, believe, motivate yourself, make different decisions, scale-up – and do whatever it takes to have your desired goal.
If your goal is to:
- Double your income
- Double your contacts
- Launch in another country or launch a new product
- Find a Joint Venture Partner to collaborate with
- Just go out and Create Your NEW Reality
Camilita shows you with her simple 12 Step Formula, how you can do it NOW. Study Camilita’s Daily Success Formula to stay focused, targeted and creative.
Camilita’s Formula for Success:
Focus + Work x Belief – Fear = Result!
Be prepared to:
- Set goals with precision
- Not be afraid to quit
- Not worry about what other people think
- Not be afraid to lose
- Be willing to do extraordinary things
- Have a bulletproof mindset
- Cannot and will not allow naysayers
- Have a positive mental attitude
- Create something from nothing
- Be a giver not a taker
- Be steadfast in your efforts
- Work the plan even when it hurts